Hatcheries in ghalioun

Fish and Shrimp Hatchery:

The fish hatchery and hatchery are divided into marine fish hatchery and shrimp larvae hatchery:

1- Hatchery of fish fry: Hatchery of fish fry consists of 6 circular ponds for breeding fish mothers and 12 ponds for breeding and hatching additional eggs to ponds nursery fry and ponds production of algae and Artemia, as the fish hatchery has many different water filters to ensure The quality of water used in the process of incubation and nursery and these filters such as: sand filters and ozone filters and UV filters and therefore to kill harmful bacteria in the water, the hatchery also has a system of recycling and treatment of water RAS, and therefore to reduce the amount of water consumed, and up to  20 million annual fish fry.

2- Shrimp larvae hatchery: It consists of shrimp ponds and larval hatchery ponds in addition to larval nursery and algae production ponds. The shrimp hatchery also has many different water filters to ensure the quality of the water used in the hatchery and nursery process. Sand and ozone filters and UV filters to kill harmful bacteria in the water.