yellow fin tuna

yellow fin tuna

Scientific name: yellow fin tuna
Breeding period: from October to April of the following year
The largest body length: 200 cm, average length: 120: 150 cm

Geographical distribution: It is widely distributed in the tropical region of the three oceans, and the warm water regions of the tropical region of Asia, and it takes the southern region of the Pacific Ocean as its center, and the main areas of fishing are near the equator; Taiwan and the high seas are producing areas, and the northeast to southwest regions are the highest.

Characteristics: Tuna fishing in the tropics and tropical marine areas of Asia is an important thing, as this type of fish belongs to the upper class of migratory ocean fish, and has nutritional and economic value, as its taste is soft, and it is common to see tuna fish fillets in America, especially, because it contains a high percentage of protein and a small percentage of fat, so it is welcome. And species such as: yellowfin tuna, longfin tuna, and big eye tuna are the three most productive species in Taiwan. During the meeting of the Agricultural Committee to discuss ways of cooperation in the field of experiments for marine products between all groups of biotechnology, and financial and business circles, it was found that it is necessary to exploit the larvae of tuna fish floating on the southwestern sea coast, expand the implementation of cage culture technology, and establish breeding ponds For large fish in the eastern port as well, and steps towards full industrial aquaculture. Japan also assisted both Indonesia and Panama with regard to research and studies on the subject of breeding, and it has already succeeded in producing and raising eggs until fry hatched. Research also showed that the fat content of farmed tuna fish is higher than that of wild fish, and the quality of its meat is more delicious, and this shows the importance of cage culture in Taiwan.