giant amberjack fish

giant amberjack fish

Scientific Name: Seriola dumerili
Breeding period: 4 to 9 months
Maximum body size: 180 m
Sample length:48cm
Larva length: 4 cm

Distribution areas: Produced in the coastal areas of Taiwan and the tropics and subtropics

Its advantages: It adapts quickly to the surrounding environment. Japan is considered one of the most important countries interested in breeding this type of fish, and the fry are caught from the South Island in the China Sea and the northern Vietnamese coast. And after a short period of maturity it is sold in Japan. The temperature during the breeding period ranges between 20-30 degrees Celsius, and if the temperature drops to 15 degrees Celsius, it does not grow even if you eat food and remains like this until death at a temperature of about 9 degrees Celsius, and therefore it is preferable to farm it in cages free. And when it grows, the percentage of meat change is high, the meat quality is beautiful and it is rich in fat. Therefore, farmers prefer this type of fish.